ILI ILI TULOG ANAY is a song also known as: sleep for a while little one. The lyrics convey a lullaby-like plea for someone to sleep, reassuring them that their mother is not present and has gone to buy papaya from the store. The singer asks the listener to close their eyes, promising assistance with carrying the purchased items because they are heavy. The repetitive refrain encourages the listener to sleep while emphasising the absence of their mother, who is away at the market. The lyrics create a soothing and comforting atmosphere.
Number notation
3 6 1° (361°3°) 3 6 6° 3° 2° (361°) 3 6
3° 2° 1° (357) 5 7 2° 4° 3° (136) 3 6
6 6 6 (2464°) 4 6 2° 3° 4° (61°3°) 3 6
6 1° 3° (572°) 1 7 3° (136)
3 6 1° (361°3°) 3 6 6° 3° 2° (361°) 3 6
3° 2° 1° (357) 5 7 2° 4° 3° (136) 3 6
6 6 6 (2464°) 4 6 2° 3° 4° (61°3°) 3 6
6 1° 3° (572°) 1 7 3° (136)
Letter notes
E A C° (EAC°E°) E A A° E° D° (EAC°) E A
E° D° C° (EGB) G B D° F° E° (CEA) E A
A A A (DFAF°) F A D° E° F° (AC°E°) E A
A C° E° (GBD°) C B E° (CEA)
E A C° (EAC°E°) E A A° E° D° (EAC°) E A
E° D° C° (EGB) G B D° F° E° (CEA) E A
A A A (DFAF°) F A D° E° F° (AC°E°) E A
A C° E° (GBD°) C B E° (CEA)