"Blow the Man Down" is a classic sea shanty where a seasoned sailor, fresh from Hong Kong, beckons young sailors to listen to his tales of life at sea. In exchange for a drink, he offers to share his experiences aboard ships like the Black Ball, showcasing the varied backgrounds of sailors and the rugged life they lead. The song highlights Jack Williams as the commanding figure and advises against challenging the authority of seasoned sailors. Through its verses, it encapsulates the camaraderie, discipline, and hardships endured by sailors, serving as both a reflection of maritime life and a cautionary tale for newcomers about the challenges of the sea.
Letter Notes:
(G’ G) G’
G’ A’ G’ E’ C’ E’
G’ A’ G’ E’
(G’ C’) A’
F’ E’ F’ D’ F’
F’ G’ F’ D’
(G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G)
F’ E’ D’ E’ C’ G
(C-E-G) (C A) G E C E
(C-E-G) (C A)
F E F D F’
(F F’) G’ F’ D’ B D’
F’ G’ F’ D’
(G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G) (G’ G)
F’ E’ D’ E’ C’
C’ E’ D’ E’ C’
Number Notation:
(5’ 5) 5’
5’ 6’ 5’ 3’ 1’ 3’
5’ 6’ 5’ 3’
(5’ 1’) 6’
4’ 3’ 4’ 2’ 4’
4’ 5’ 4’ 2’
(5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5)
4’ 3’ 2’ 3’ 1’ 5
(1-3-5) (1 6) 5 3 1 3
(1-3-5) (1 6)
4342 4’
(4 4’) 5’ 4’ 2’ 7 2’
4’ 5’ 4’ 2’
(5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5) (5’ 5)
4’ 3’ 2’ 3’ 1’
1’ 3’ 2’ 3’ 1’
Up Next: Bobby Mcferrin - Don’t Worry (Kalimba tab