Jute Shopping Bad is printed in Kolkata, India. Jute is the second most important vegetable fibre after cotton and is a light, soft, shiny plant fibre that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. Jute Shopping Bag is 100% bio-degradable and recyclable and thus environmentally friendly. Same design, front, and back. Approximate dimensions: 30cm x 30cm x 20cm. The handle in length is approximately: 36cm. This is a truly wonderful blue bag and is perfect for someone who appreciates the beauty of a butterfly. Within Christianity, the butterfly represents change, hope, and life.
Why do we love these?
After consistently seeing the use of plastic bags in supermarkets, and despite the 5p charge introduction to deter the use of plastic due to its environmental impact, we are not yet seeing the decline in plastic and I believe that the government needs to take this one step further. However, that does not seem to be happening and we cannot continue to accept plastic in our society. We must rid it of our environment by simply not buying it. By purchasing a more natural eco product, you are supporting the decline of plastic, making reusable more acceptable, and one day we will stop plastic use. Jute Shopping Bag is anti-plastic and helps stop the sale of those 5p bags.