Mouth Jaw Harp (The Complete Guide)

The mouth jaw harp, also known as the Jew's harp, mouth harp, Ozark harp, or juice harp, is a whimsical yet profound musical instrument that may seem obscure but is rich in history and culture. This complete guide is tailored just for you, whether you're a curious beginner eager to learn how to play or a music enthusiast looking to delve into the past of this unique instrument. Let's embark on a musical journey to understand its origins, how to play it, and what to consider when purchasing your first mouth jaw harp.

The history of the mouth harp

The mouth jaw harp boasts a history as resonant as its twanging tones. Its beginnings are shrouded in mystery, but evidence suggests that this simple instrument has been a part of various cultures for thousands of years. You might be intrigued to learn that archaeologists have discovered mouth harps made of bone and metal dating back to as early as the 4th millennium BC. These ancient relics were found across the Eurasian landmass, indicating a widespread appreciation for the instrument's distinctive sound and its role in ancient societies' music.

As you trace the history of the mouth jaw harp, you'll find its influence in numerous regions and cultures. In Asia, the instrument is known by many names, such as the "khomus" in Yakutia and "dan moi" in Vietnam. European iterations brought the mouth jaw harp into folk traditions, while in North America, it became associated with the rural life of the Appalachian Mountains. Each culture has shaped the instrument to its musical and aesthetic preferences, creating a fascinating tapestry of designs and playing styles.

Your interest in the mouth jaw harp is part of a broader resurgence in contemporary times. This modest instrument is experiencing a renaissance, with musicians incorporating its unique sound into folk and electronic music genres. The mouth jaw harp has also become a fixture at music festivals, captivating audiences with its ethereal and otherworldly tones. As you immerse yourself in the history of the mouth jaw harp, you become part of a lineage of musicians and enthusiasts who have kept this instrument alive through the centuries.

The origin of the jaw harp

The origin of the mouth jaw harp is as fascinating as its sound. Imagine yourself sifting through the sands of time to find the earliest versions of this instrument. You would discover that while the exact birthplace of the mouth-jaw harp is unknown, it is believed to have simultaneously arisen in several parts of the world. With artifacts from Europe, Asia, and even the Pacific Islands, you can envision how different cultures independently crafted their versions of this musical device from readily available materials.

As you explore where it's from, you'll realize that the mouth jaw harp's widespread historical presence signifies its importance as a tool for entertainment and communication. In Siberia, for example, it was used in shamanic rituals. At the same time, in other parts of Asia, it served as a courting instrument, with suitors serenading their beloved with its melodic twangs. European travelers and traders carried the instrument to new lands, where it was adopted and adapted, reflecting the diverse musical languages of its various new homes.

The instrument is also known as a mouth harp or Jew's harp, though its names and forms vary significantly from one country to another. In Norway, it's called a "munnharpe," while in Italy, it's known as a "scacciapensieri," meaning "thought-dispeller." These myriad names reflect not only the global reach of the mouth jaw harp but also its personal and cultural significance. Each instrument variation is a testament to its adaptability and the universal human love for music.

How to Play for Beginners

As you learn how to play the mouth jaw harp, begin by understanding its structure and how it produces sound. The instrument has a flexible metal or bamboo tongue attached to a frame. When you pluck the tongue, it vibrates, and by changing the shape of your mouth cavity, you alter the pitch and tone of the resulting sound. Start with a simple grip: place the frame against your teeth (or lips to avoid dental damage), ensuring not to block the tongue's movement, and gently flick it with your finger.

Once you have the basic motion down, it's time to refine your technique. Breathing plays a crucial role in playing the mouth-jaw harp. Inhaling and exhaling subtly as you pluck can create different effects and rhythms. Experiment with moving your tongue, adjusting the opening of your mouth, and even altering your throat's shape to discover the wide range of sounds you can produce. With patience and practice, you can soon play beginner songs to cover and even create your own melodies.

Begin your musical journey with the mouth-jaw harp by tackling simple tunes. Start with basic rhythms and patterns to get comfortable with the instrument's mechanics. You might try mimicking the sounds of nature or the rhythmic patterns you hear in everyday life. As you grow more confident, you can move on to more complex beginner songs to cover, ranging from traditional folk melodies to modern compositions designed for the mouth-jaw harp. The joy of playing lies in the exploration and the unique voice you bring to the instrument.

Buying Guide for Beginners

When you're ready to purchase your first mouth jaw harp, several factors must be considered. Material is one of the most critical factors affecting the sound quality and the instrument's durability. Traditional mouth harps were often made from bamboo or wood, while modern versions are typically constructed from metal alloys. Each material offers a different timbre and playing experience, so try a few before deciding which resonates best with you.

As with any musical instrument, quality and craftsmanship are pivotal. A well-made mouth jaw harp will have a clean finish, a firm frame, and a tongue that's properly aligned and securely attached. When purchasing instruments, seek those made by reputable makers, and don't hesitate to ask for recommendations from experienced players. Investing in a good quality instrument will provide a more enjoyable playing experience and ensure longevity, allowing you to savor the mouth harp's enchanting sound for years to come.


You're likely wondering, how much do they cost? Mouth jaw harps can range from very affordable to quite expensive, depending on the design's material, maker, and intricacy. For beginners, plenty of budget-friendly options don't sacrifice quality for cost. 

Where to Buy a jaw harp?

 solid cast iron large jaw harp with grey background

The jaw harp, known for its portability, distinctive sound, and affordability, offers musicians a versatile and accessible instrument. Its compact design allows for easy transport, while its unique twangy tones add depth to musical compositions. With simple playing techniques suitable for all skill levels, the jaw harp provides an affordable option for musicians seeking to experiment with new sounds and musical styles. Check out our collection of mouth jaw harps here.

Jaw Harp (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a jaw harp used for?

This instrument serves as both a wind and percussion instrument. When used as a wind instrument, it's placed against the mouth, serving as a resonator and allowing for sound alterations. 

Are jaw harps safe for teeth?

Jaw harps are generally safe for teeth when used properly. However, there is a potential risk of injury if the harp is played too forcefully or if it accidentally hits the teeth. It's essential to use caution and ensure proper technique while playing to minimize the risk of dental damage. If you experience any discomfort or pain while playing a jaw harp, it's advisable to stop and consult with a dentist.

Is jaw harp easy to play?

Yes, jaw harps are generally considered easy to play, especially for beginners. They require minimal physical effort and can produce sound with simple techniques. However, like any instrument, proficiency and mastery come with practice and experience. With regular practice and patience, most people can quickly learn to play basic melodies and rhythms on a jaw harp.

Why is it called a jaw harp?

For centuries in European cultures, this instrument has been called a "Jew's Harp," although its name is believed to have originated from a distortion of "jaw" or the Old English word "gewgaw" for the instrument. Despite little evidence linking it to Jewish people, the name has persisted for centuries.

How does a jaw harp make sound?

The plucker is responsible for producing sound on the Jew's Harp, while your mouth serves as the resonator. To play it correctly, position it between your slightly parted teeth with closed lips. Additionally, create a hollow shape inside your mouth to ensure a resonant sound.

Up Next: Bamboo Jaw Harp (Sound Demonstration)


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