How to teach your kid to tie shoes

You may be wondering ‘How to teach kids to tie their shoelaces?’ Well, usually when your child is very young they will have shoes that do not have laces. They actually make them that way on purpose to make it easier for the parent. Instead of laces they may either have no fastening features or may have Velcro. And this is great because it means that you do not have to worry that much about putting your child shoes on, and they usually slip on quite easy as long as they are the right size.

As they get older and their feet get bigger, the new shoes that you get them will likely have laces and the ones with Velcro are not always the most stylish option. Nonetheless, when your child attends primary school, it is time to start learning how to tie their own shoelaces. This can be difficult, but luckily there are many things that can make the process more smooth.


As with any skill, practise make perfect. Even when it comes to tying your own shoelaces. You can encourage this by simply making it into an activity. The fact of it is, that kids can become bored easily and activities are always good for combatting boredom.

The more they practise the better they will become. The type of practice is also important; you can’t expect them just to know how to do it, you must show them. You may have to do so multiple times until they come to grips with how to do it independently. How much they practice very much depends on how fast you want them to learn the skill.

I would personally recommend doing it for at least 10 minutes to 20 minutes per day excluding Sunday. After two weeks there should be able to do this, that every child develops at a different rate and so they may learn faster or the process may take longer. If they have a really short attention span when trying to do it then this could mean that they are not yet ready or alternatively you may prefer to introduce it and have them practice 2 to 3 times per week instead.

Whichever way you decide to do it, you must make sure to be patient, and praise them when they do it well or try-hard. Possible rewards will make them work better and may improve their focus upon the task.

Up next: Potty training: the process that works


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